The best holidays or The best concert'

 The truth is that I have never been to a concert in my life, so I would have to talk about my best vacations. My best vacations were when I went camping in Valdivia as a scout, it was a long time ago, I was about 13 years old, that is, 8 years ago. We had a camp near Villarrica, we were there for about a week, the people who were with me there were children of a similar age to mine, they were good friends of the troop. To be my first camp we did several activities, from kayaking, trekking, we played soccer, we went to the beach, city tours, and knot competition. These vacations marked me for life, I understood many things, and I committed myself to the scout movement. the commitment or the promise, is a very important ritual in the scouts, it means that you acquire a commitment, certain laws for your life, and above all to be a better person. 


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